I have several issues with the LISP family of languages...
The mountains of parentheses are a problem for me.
The relentless prefix notation is a problem for me. Arithmetic expressions look bizarre: (+ (* 3 4) 5).
The size of the language, if you're using Common Lisp, is daunting.
The macro system is mind-bending.
This is not an easy language for beginners.
I'm a Smalltalk fan. Smalltalk is sort of a cousin of LISP. But it avoids the abovementioned issues...
The syntax is blessedly simple. So simple that a child could learn it within 15 minutes! With only 6 reserved words, the entire syntax fits on a post card.
You sure as hell can't say that about Python or JavaScript!
Arithmetic expressions look normal (with one minor exception).
The language is infinitely extensible and scalable without a macro system. Smalltalk is essentially itself a domain-specific language (DSL)!
As for type safety, Smalltalk has been used (and continues to be used) for industrial-grade enterprise applications for more than four decades. The key to safety and reliability is TDD (test-driven development), pioneered by Kent Beck.
This year, Smalltalk celebrates its 50th anniversary. The language is alive and well. It has thousands of commercial users around the globe supported by evergreen Smalltalk vendors like Cincom, Instantiations, and GemTalk. In fact, I've organized a birthday party for it: https://campsmalltalksupreme.wordpress.com/.